Team ITA is known as the International Taekwondo Academy Competition Team who travels together to numerous competitions throughout the year nationally and internationally to compete in Forms and W.T.F. Olympic Style Sparring. International Taekwondo Academy of Cape Coral has designed a program to train future USA Taekwondo competitors. Our Olympic Program is a year-long training program that teaches children goal achievement while they develop martial arts skills.
Three times a week, students participate in a class that focuses on Olympic Training. The program focuses on developing life skills that will yield champions not only in sport but also in society. The same skill sets used for sport will yield excellence in academics and relationships. Combining your mind, body and spirit in the pursuit of a pre-determined goal teaches young athletes patience and perseverance. Children who are process-oriented achieve greater success. We teach our young athletes to focus not only on the goal, but the process. In this way they learn to appreciate the journey and the destination.
Our sport program has been recognized as one of the best in the country. Our staff is combined of Olympic Level Coaches and USA National Team members. Here we coach athletes to reach their competitive goals nationally and internationally. Our athletes have gone on to compete in countries such as: USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Switzerland, China, Korea and more.
Ask how YOU can become the next National champion.